Halloween 2020: Keep it Responsible

I don’t celebrate Halloween, but I’m aware that many people do, and with it coming up I thought I would make a seasonal post on responsible ways to do so this year.

Although we in the UK don’t have as much of the Halloween hype as the US, trick-or-treating is a thing here, as are Halloween parties. The CDC have advised against traditional trick-or-treating this year, and obviously traditional parties are currently not a safe option in a pandemic.

(Note: I saw on the news after drafting this post that Halloween has been “cancelled” in Wales this year. Please make sure you adhere to your local restrictions, and don’t go trick-or-treating if it has been banned in your area.)

Covid-Secure Suggestions:

  • Go Virtual

If you would normally hold or go to a Halloween party or costume contest, attend or host one over Zoom!

Virtual film nights are also an option.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
  • Trick or Treating

Organise in advance with your neighbours, to check that they are happy for you to knock on their door, and to arrange contact-free ways to deliver individually-wrapped sweets. Make sure to keep to social distancing rules and your regional lockdown restrictions. If dressing up in costume, be careful not to sacrifice the effectiveness of a face covering for aesthetic reasons!

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com
  • Within Your Household

Celebrate on a smaller scale, at home within your own household or support bubble. Plan a film night, themed game night, scavenger hunt, etc.

Non-Covid Considerations:

While this isn’t a pandemic-related note, it is Halloween-related, and something I feel strongly about, so wanted to include.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
  • Pumpkins

Carving pumpkins are edible, and yet the majority of them are discarded every year. Food waste is a big issue that I’m passionate about, so I couldn’t not mention this. The internet is full of ways to use pumpkin flesh in food and beauty recipes; alternatively you could make a DIY jack-o-lantern from other material such as papier-mâché. (Just don’t put a candle in it; papier-mâché is flammable!)