Cracks in the Support System

As we all know, the pandemic is having a huge impact on the economy and so many livelihoods have been lost or are at risk. Previously I haven’t known what to write about this, because I don’t understand economics or finances at all and I have no personal experience in this area to share. However, I’ve recently had my attention drawn—via the news but also through a friend who’s a freelance musician—to the huge gaps in the government support system that so many people are falling through.

There is a petition online for a more responsible policy for the hospitality industry. If it gets enough signatures, it has to be debated in Parliament.

Earlier this week, my aforementioned friend joined the protest in Westminster about the lack of support for freelance musicians, many of whom have lost all or most of their income due to venues being closed. Previously there has been a similar protest by theatre performers. I’ve done some googling to see if I can find a petition for greater support for the creative industries, but not found one that is still open. If anyone knows of one, please share it in a comment and I will update the post.