Small Business Saturday

I learned on the news this morning that it’s Small Business Saturday today. There was a feature about the current state of the high street, and included discussion on small high street businesses.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder on

I’ve always preferred the idea of shopping independently and locally, but given I largely had to rely on online even before the pandemic, this was difficult. I also don’t have a huge amount of energy to spend searching for independent/local online suppliers which have what I need, and my go-to therefore is largely Amazon. I have a local independent supermarket, but that still requires a 20-minute train journey and walking up a hill, which given my health meant I could only visit when I was already in the area for something else and had the additional energy required.

However recently I have begun taking some small steps to begin changing my online shopping habits.

Shopping Independently Online

Through Twitter I discovered, where you can purchase books from independent bookshops. I haven’t done so yet but I have started a wish list on there! For anyone in southeast England who enjoys quality tea and coffee, I discovered Edgcumbes and The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company when looking for local suppliers. I like Edgcumbes’ ethics and TK&SC’s huge range of blends.

If you’re thinking about Christmas presents, Etsy is an excellent place to find handmade gifts by small businesses and individuals. Just be sure to use the filter to search local listings, and check the predicted delivery dates. You can also find some beautiful Christmas decorations on there if you need some new ones.

I will continue to look for new places to buy from, and I’d like to encourage people that even if you’re unable to go out to physical shops, changing your shopping habits isn’t too difficult if you aim to do so one small step at a time, without putting too much pressure on yourself. If you know of a local small business whom you’re unable to support in this way right now, give them a shout out on social media or a review today. It’s Small Business Saturday.
